"I'm Scared" A Stop-Motion Film from Greg "Craola" Simkins
Created by Dan Levy
A stop-motion short from Greg "Craola" Simkins. "I'm Scared" is a story of two brothers, facing the things that go bump in the night.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Teaser.
over 9 years ago
– Tue, May 26, 2015 at 02:29:30 PM
Here it is, Scared Scouts: your first look at what we've been filming since early November!!
We sincerely hope you dig it. More fun stuff in store for you soon...
(If you have a slower internet connection, you can turn off the "HD" button to put the video in standard definition mode.)
That's a WRAP!!
almost 10 years ago
– Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 04:29:15 PM
Hi Scared Scouts,
It's me, Pete, the director of I'm Scared. Dan usually writes the updates, but he generously agreed to let me take the reins for this one.
From initial designs to storyboards to puppet fabrication to set construction to prop building to voice records to lighting and finally animation, we're finally there.
Last night, after months of hard work, we completed the last shot for I'm Scared. The production part of this process is officially over!
We're now moving onto visual effects, editing, sound design, music, and of course creating the MööK.
We still have some incentives we need to send out and it's important to us that we fulfill all of our promises to you, the backers who've made this all possible. Thank you for your continued patience.
I can't wait for you to see how our talented crew has opened up the world of Greg Simkins's art in a way that's never been done before. I think we're gonna end up with something really special.
Here's a picture from right before we shot out last shot.
Stay tuned for more updates soon...
Good News Everybody....
almost 10 years ago
– Sat, Feb 07, 2015 at 11:00:33 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Hold on... I think I think I have two... I have, two..two... Ra..RALF(s)!!!
over 10 years ago
– Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 08:12:32 PM
Hey Hey Hey Scared Scouts!!
This is a "Ralf" specific update. There are two "Ralf" two that are just about to be available. The OG KickStarter "Ralf" and "Shadow Ralf"
Here's the lowdown scouts- The KS "Ralf" is on his way on a slow boat from china(that's really what they call it, I laughed too). He would have been here and in your hot little hands by now but we weren't %100 happy with how his eyes had turned out so we made the according changes. So as of now everyone who backed for a KS "Ralf" we hope to have him out to you by the end of summer. Now "Shadow Ralf" will be making his debut in 8 days at San Diego Comic Con through our partners @3D-Retro.
So, to re-cap; good ole KS "Ralf" eyes fixed, on his way!! "Shadow Ralf" no pupils, no problems available 1st at SDCC and than available to everyone!!
Thank you for your patience while we bring you perfection.
On the movie front, Sets are close to being done(I wish I could share pictures, they look so good). We will begin shooting shortly and follow us on all our social medias to get updates, progress and well a lot of fun!
Also if you will be in the SD area for the Comic Con
San Diego Comic Con exclusive! "Shadow Ralf" "Some Things are Worth being scared of". The limited edition exclusive "Shadow" colorway of Ralf from the forth coming short stop motion animated film "I'm Scared". Only Available at 3D RETRO. Greg Will be signing at the booth #5049 on Thursday, July 24 from 1-2pm.
Stay Scared!!
Scout Sgt.dAN
And then there was Ralf...
over 10 years ago
– Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:17:41 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.